Thursday, 17 May 2012

Monthly Tip - Number 3 May 2012

Hello everyone I need to start this post of with a sorry that this as taken me so long in doing it, but the month of May has not been the best for me so far but I may say more later on once I get everything sorted. 

So you may be wondering what this month tip may be. 
Well this month it is all to do with nails and how to stop you nail polish chipping so easily. 

If you are like me and dislike painting your nails just to find within 2/3 days your nails have chipped then this may be the tip for you and all you need to a top coat. 

Collection 2000 2 in 1 and Barry M 3 in 1 

  These are the two topcoats I use but you can use any topcoat for this.

Most people use a topcoat after they finish painting their nails but this doesn't help to stop the nails chipping after 2-3 days but I have found that if you apply a thin layer of topcoat each day this can help.

I would suggest applying this ever at night or when you have a quiet part of the day when you have time to allow the top coat to dry completely and you should find your nail polish will last longer which in turn means you don't need to paint your nails every few days. 

I hope this helps you like it as me. 

 See You Soon 



  1. Great tip!! Hope things get better for you..

    p.s. there is a little package in the mail on its way to you :)


    1. Thank You lovely, can't wait to get the package it is feeling like christmas waiting for it xx
