Hello my lovelies.
Today marks three months till my 25th birthday, I really don't like the idea of getting old but who does really but it is more scary thinking my mummy was 25 when she had me and there is no way I am ready for children.
But anyway I thought I would tell you all now I am getting on with my '25 Thing Before 25' has I am now half way thought.
So here goes ......
1. Get one person to subscribe to my blog
2. Take more photos
In progress
3. Give blood
Hoping to do this in June I have signed up just waiting for place to give blood around my area
4. Write letters to friends who no longer live near me
In progress
5. Try five new foods 1/5
6. Read a book a month 2/6
Gok Wan Autobiography and Katie Price Beautiful both books I would suggest reading but I need to read more to make this work.
7. Print of the photos from my memory cards and place them into albums
I am not going to lie but I haven't even started this yet :(
8. Try some home beauty treatments (I will share with you how they go)
I have downloaded an app called Beauty Tips and I am looking thought to find the best ones to shared with you guys.
9. Save up to move out with boyfriend
This was going okay till this month when I lose my job so this is now on the back burner till I find something new
10.Watch 10 films I haven't watch before 5/10
Iron Man, The Fast And The Furious - Tokyo Drift, Iron Man 2, Avengers Assemble, Tron Legacy
11. Go to at least three different places around the UK 4/3
London, Nottingham, Bradford, Godstone
12. Lose 12lbs
In progress
13. Place £5 or more a week into my saving account
I started this on 25/02/12 and it was going well till I lost my job so this to as gone on the back burner till I find a new job
14. Use up at least seven beauty products I already own 5/7
Soap And Glory Calm On Calm All, Soap And Glory Glad Hair Day, Soap And Glory Clean On Me, Alberto Balsam Juicy Apple Shampoo, No7 Make Up Wipes
15. Get more creative (Nail art, Cupcakes, Blogging etc)
So far I have done shortbread for a friends birthday and made some cupcakes hopefully I will do more now.
16. Go on holiday with my boyfriend
We are going away for a week at the beginning of August with my cousin and her parter
17. Go to the zoo
Hopefully for my birthday treat fingers cross
18. Make a birthday cake for my mummy's 50th Birthday
Her birthday is not till July, so will keep you updated
19. Get a new job
This is more then important now so this is on the top of my list of things to do
20. Take my theory driving test
Can't do due to the current situation
21. Buy a video camera and then maybe start on youtube
Same as above but may still carry on starting youtube by filming on my webcam not good I know but it may be a place to start while I am getting myself sorted.
22. Have date night once a month with my boyfriend (Cinema, Dinner out etc)
Started this on the 24/02/12 and has been going well as we take it in turn to pay so now it may have to be every other month or I need to find things to do that are cheap or ever better free.
23. Go and see my best friends who don't live near me
Went to see my wonderful friend Vicky who lives in Nottingham over the Easter weekend which was fun.
24. Once a month at least do something with friends (Film Nights, Dinner, Cinema etc)
Started this on the 08/03/12 and so far we have done film nights, cinema, dinner if you can call going to KFC dinner and birthday parties.
25. Reach 25
Will happen in August.
My friend Ed and me on my birthday last year
Hopefully I will manager to complete this all as I will be very happy indeed, so fingers cross everyone.
Have you ever done something like this for your birthday? If so did you manager to do it all?
See You Soon